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Thank God its FridayThank God its Friday

2003-05-09 - 10:45 a.m.
Friday's are good because I get to wear jeans, which means I don't have to strip off a bunch of crap when I get home.

Took R. into work this morning since her car is at the dealership, and I must remember to pick her up tonight...

Ended up getting only five hours sleep last night. I have a lot of trouble breathing through my nose at night, which makes my throat dry, so I have to drink water, which means I have to get up and take a whizz, etc etc..

Every now and then I'll get some Benadryl and that knocks me out, but it is not good to take all the time, and it gives me a hangover.

Companies amaze me sometimes. We had our weekly development meeting this morning, and the subject came up of profit margins. It's very simple really: If you make sure that each contract you bid on is profitable, both when you bid and when you implement, then overall the company stays profitable, as long as you control your fixed costs and opex.

But that doesn't seem to be a concept that upper management wants to run with though.

I miss being in the higher echelons - I got to make useful contributions to the business model. Now I'm stuck grunting in a cube again. We all make choices though I guess. If I had made different choices, my life would be different - but would it be better? I don't know. Somehow I doubt it.

I have to remember that all the real people in the world are having a hard time right now, not just me. It will get better, one way or the other.

Some are worse off than others: Poor Okie City had a bad day yesterday. I wonder how RZ is doing? Haven't heard from her for 12 years, probably never will again, but she was the original reason I gave up my old life in England and moved here. She lived in Mid-West City, OK and I lived in Tulsa. It was just a chance meeting but we had some fun for a while.

Tulsa is a good entry level city to start life in America. Wonderful grid system. Someone gives you an address, and you immediately know how to get there. No map needed!

Oklahoma had some nasty weather, but it wasn't until I got to Texas that I saw my first Tornado:

This was in Arlington, TX, April 2002.

I remember it being very hypnotic, and only a little scary, even though it was heading straight for us for a while, before veering off to the Lake...

Mother Nature will always find ways to humble Man's achievements, I guess.

Well that's enough of this morning's ramblings. Still need to do the damn class notes for this weekend. Maybe I can knock that out this evening.

Have a fun Friday!

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
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