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Monday, MondayMonday, Monday

2003-05-12 - 10:49 a.m.
Welcome to Monday :)

I was Captain Snuggles last night. After taking a two hour nap, I managed to stay up for another three hours, then went to bed and slept like a log. R. even got up before me this morning which is unprecedented.

My old axes are grinding this morning. Because of an Excel problem that CC2 was having, I had to go through the Incentive Comp file and fix it. Now, because I was a consultant when the plan started, I don't get a piece of the pie, and that's fine and fair - no problem there.

What does piss me off is that the old boy network is still alive and well inside this company. My boss got the standard percentage, but others that get the same salary as him got significantly more. One in particular, my nemesis, the asshole that screwed me at hiring time when I'd already burned my boats and had to take the revised package that got offered after he'd pooched the deal for me and JR (my boss).

I hate that I feel like this. It impacts the job I do and the way I feel about it. I am a better person than that, which is why only you, gentle reader, get to see this venom come out in print. At work, I'll keep my mouth shut and my head down until the economy picks up and I can get my ass out of here and back into a real job, where I can be challenged and compensated appropriately.

Besides, its actually a beautiful day out there today. The air is clear for the first time in weeks, its a lovely mid-70s and the sun is shining and the birds are singing. Shame I'm stuck in here. Here's somewhere I'd like to be:

I have a lot of work to do on the tradition, which will keep me busy in the evenings this week. R. is going over to Ks. tonight to continue her Isian training, so I should be able to get the outline fleshed out and maybe get the tenets and deities nailed down. I need to get this all in place by Samhain.

And I have to get the deities section cleaned up and synchronized, and write up articles on each of the seven major deity types. Speaking of which, does this look right to you? there seems to be a few discrepancies and oddities in this correspondence table which came from the Correllians:




Mars Venus Sun Moon Jupiter Saturn Mercury


Tyr Freya Baldur Frigga Thor Hella Odin
IRISHOgmiosBrigidAengusBoan NuadaMorrighanDagda







OgunOshunChangoYemayaObatalaOya Ellegua


HorusHat-HorRaIsisAmonSekhmet Osiris



Its going to take me a while to fix this lot. Please leave a comment if you have anything to add.

I also STILL need to get my passport taken care of! Aaargh! My brain seems to be like swiss cheese these days. And can someone tell me why I'm getting zits at 39? And what the hell is the deal with this friggin Nose Hair?

Alright that's it for now.

Today's website:

  • Your sexual color

    Today's quote:

    How can you be expected to govern a country that has 246 kinds of cheeses?--Charles De Gaulle, 1890-1970), president of France

    Today's unexplained picture:

    Have a Romi and Michelle Monday!

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
  • Kids: Yes
  • Cats: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Dogs: No
  • Lemurs: No
  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
  • Religion: In Progress
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