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Gods and GuiltGods and Guilt

2003-05-26 - 9:07 p.m.
Not much to report today...

Here is my current guilt list:

  • Send in Passport Form
  • Send in Credit Union application
  • Update deity correspondences
  • Review three books
  • Do interview questions for next author

    Yes, I know I got the photos for the passport done last weekend. I just haven't done the sodding form yet. Yes, yes I know it expires at the end of this month. I'll get to it ok??? Get off my back! Yeeesh!

    I did do the next lesson on witchschool, and I got the deity correspondences done on the site on the individual deities, but I just don't have the summary thing loaded yet into html yet. Here it is in Excel format:

    Title Color Planet Day Element Gender Roman Greek Egyptian Norse Celtic Faery
    Father Orange Sun Sunday Fire/Air M Apollo Apollo Ra Baldur Angus Harvest Lord
    Mother Aqua Moon Monday Water/Earth F Juno Hera Isis Frigga Boann Great Mother
    Hero Red Mars Tuesday Fire M Mars Ares Horus Tyr Ogmios Blue God
    Crone Green Mercury Wednesday Earth F Carmenta Hecate Sekhmet Helba Morrigan Hag
    King Yellow Jupiter Thursday Air M Jupiter Zeus Amon Thor Nuada Winter King
    Maiden Blue Venus Friday Water F Venus Aphrodite Hathor Freya Brigid Corn Maiden
    Source Violet Saturn Saturday Spirit N Saturn Kronos Osiris Odin Dagda Star Goddess

    and I did the chart for it too. Well most of it. Haven't got the sabbats on there yet:

    ..but you get the idea.

    Tooth still hurts, but the Aleve in the morning and the Aspirin in the evening appear to be keeping it under control for now.

    Today we went over to R's brother's (L) house for their son's 4th birthday. R's mom and stepdad actually got invited, which is incredible, since they are on L's wife's (M) shitlist permanently on account of how much money they borrowed off of them. They're on mine too, but I just deal with it. I always thought parents helped the kids out, not the other way around. At least not while they're still capable of functioning in society. Go figure.

    Back to work tomorrow, with lots of stuff to do. Some of it is almost interesting :}

    I'll natter at you later, TTFN :)

    Today's website

    Strange Thoughts

    Today's Nasty Picture

    Today's Joke

    One evening Johnny sat down at the kitchen table doing his homework while his mother watched television. Upon hearing the evening news, his mother let out a shriek. "Johnny! Johnny! China has just launched a nuclear missile toward the United States." Johnny looked up from his book with a confused expression on his face. "Do you understand what this means?" his mother implored. All excited, Johnny quickly replied, "No school tomorrow."

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
  • Kids: Yes
  • Cats: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Dogs: No
  • Lemurs: No
  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
  • Religion: In Progress
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