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Kat HepburnKat Hepburn

2003-06-30 - 9:52 a.m.

Me: "Oh no, Katharine Hepburn's died"
J: "Who's Katharine Hepburn?"

Says it all really, I guess. I came back with "that's a sad indictment of the times we live in." Despite being about 10 years out of the target audience when he popped his clogs, I at least had the good manners to know who Kurt Cobain was. So much for teen spirit.

Thinking about it now, it's not J's fault. Its human nature. Let me test you for a moment:

  • Who built the Pyramids in Egypt?
  • Who built the Hanging Garden of Babylon
  • Who built the Collossus of Rhodes?

    If your answers to these were 'The Egyptians, the Babylonians and the Greeks' then that's good, but it's not entirely accurate is it?

    The more removed from a time period we become, the lower the level of granularity we have about the events that took place and who the major players were. Individuals like Plato, Aristotle and Nero are the exceptions rather than the rule. In some cases we generalize even further 'Neolithic Man built the Stonehenge'. At some point, if we're lucky, in the far flung future, someone or something may remember some of the achievements of 'The Human Race'. But don't be under any illusions about the likelihood of your individuality being preserved. The odds are heavily against it.

    So what does all this mean? To me it means that if I'm not going to be remembered as an individual, only as part of a larger thing, like the Human Race, then all I can do is try to make that race appear, on average, a good and decent thing. I have to be a better human. I have to help others be better humans, so that when aliens from the planet Zog look back on the remnants of our culture, they will say 'This was a good and noble race. Would that they were here today, so we might share in their stories and know their greatness'. I would rather they said that than 'Why in the name of Bob did they worship these golden arches? Why did they strip their planets resources in the interests of making this thing called a profit? Why did they pay no attention to their own future?'

    To be honest I think the latter is more likely. But if I can look back on my life and say that the world was a better place for me having been in it, if I can know that I done my best, then I feel I will have covered my ass spiritually and can go to me my maker with a clear conscience.

    Wow, someone's in a philosophical mood today. Must be the lack of carbs...

    Now I have a question for you. Do squirrels bark? I don't mean do they strip bark from trees, I mean do they make a noise like a bark when they're mad? R. and K. say they heard a squirrel barking at Xena in the garden the other day. Xena, the oldest of our kitties was outside sitting at the bottom of the jungle gym, looking up at the squirrel, which , so they claim as stamping its foot and barking in a most

    angry and apparently cute manner. I have never heard a squirrel bark. Is this even a remote possibility? I should probably ask squirrelx , I'm sure she'd know...

    But if anyone else out there knows for sure, please let me know, either via comment or that dang chat thing on the right up there.

    Today's Website

  • IMDB honors Katharine Hepburn

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  • "My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people."--Orson Welles, (1915 - 1985), U.S. actor

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  • Age: 43
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