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That dayThat day

2003-09-11 - 7:40 a.m.
When you're on vacation, 5:30 am is the middle of the night. The phone was an unexpected interruption on a cruise around the Hawaiian islands that had so far been the most awesome experience of my life.

"The United States is Under Attack".

And so began THAT day for us. Far from home, not sure whether we'd ever get home again. Unable to DO anything to help. We were passengers that day. No duties to carry out, no aid to offer, no missions to fly or terrorists to seek out. I cried that day. I never cry at bad things, but I cried that day, and I've cried since because of that day. For the people who died, and for those who continue to die.

"The United States is Under Attack"

When R's boss said those words on the phone that morning, my first thoughts were 'Its the Chinese.' You know what? Looking back on it now, I still believe it was.

When you are hemmed in on every side, and have increasing population pressures, you will find a way to get more freedom of movement, or you will die out. The US is too powerful to simply launch a pre-emptive strike, without the element of surprise.

But if you fund a group to take out the trade centers, the Pentagon, and Congress, and that group succeeds, you have disrupted the chain of command, demoralized the people and slowed the military resonse.

Now you can launch your attack with a significantly higher chance of success. But the attacks failed. The Pentagon wasn't leveled. Congress wasn't hit. The chain of command remained intact. And nobody would suspect the chinese, when it was so obviously the work of Bin Laden and his cohorts.

Perhaps they will try again, or perhaps they will wait until they get to the moon, and take the high ground. The Chinese space program is up to full speed and they are going to establish a permanent base there within this decade.

They will be able to throw rocks at us. Or take out our satellites with ease.

You may think all this is crazy, or you may not. But go do your own research, and answer these questions. Why the chinese military build up just before 9/11? What would happen to US forces in Korea, Japan and Taiwan if they were cut off from their supply lines and chain of command?

Did you know one average american consumes 50 times the resources of one average chinese?

Enough of this for now. I'll write something more interesting tomorrow. For today, may whatever supreme being you believe in keep you and your kin safe and well.

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
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