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Pagans and PoliticiansPagans and Politicians

2003-09-27 - 8:46 a.m.
Saturday Morning.

I love mornings on the weekend. No work to do, no hurry to do anything. I can sit and read in the garden and watch the squirrels fight with next door's cat, or piddle around on the internet, or read a book, or do anything I damn well please.

R. and J. are still sleeping. Well, R. is sleeping - J. looks more like someone picked him up and threw him at the couch and then dropped a blanket over him.

Today is Pagan Pride Day in Dallas. I'm debating whether to go or not. We probably will, although unfortunately all is not well in the Dallas Pagan community. KS is still pissed at me, I'm sure, although he'll probably fake pretending not to be. R's old priestess is still pissed at her and her new priestess, OCC is still pissed at Betwixt & Between (or more specifically Maeven) and everyone's pissed at the local Baptists that show up every year with very large banners spouting scripture. Well, it gives them something to do on the weekends I guess. The problem with a large portion of the pagan community (at least here in the bible belt) is that many people in it are dysfunctional, usually because of a particularly harsh catholic or baptist upbringing which they ultimately rebelled against.

My parents never really talk about religion, so I was left to fend for myself (spiritually speaking), which I've done quite happily for the last 25 years.

On the other hand, I have found that 2nd generation pagans (pagans raised by pagans) tend to be very well adjusted with usually highly developed critical thinking skills. So I guess maybe 20 years from now, the pagan community could be see as an icon of sanity in an otherwise insane world.

If we get that far of course. I'm still troubled by yesterday's dream. I'll get over it I'm sure. I did another Witchschool class this morning - I'm gradually working my way through all the electives. I think by the end of the year I'll have them all done. If they keep growing as they have been, I'm hoping one day I can 'Clep' these classes into a recognized degree in Metaphysics. That would be cool! Silly, but cool :>

Still no word from the US Naval Reserves, but they're probably still waiting for next year's budget to be approved. That's fine, I can wait. I'd like to get rid of this damn Pleva before I report for duty. My weight is down where I need it to be - now I need to start doing some exercise to get really into shape.

Something wierd is happening with the US government lately. Usually, congress is full of BS, and I rely on the Judicial branch to get shit taken care of. But this week, I was proud of how the legislature all pulled together to get that telemarketing thing taken care of. Then the Judicial branch turns around (again) and stamps on it! 1st amendment my ass! If you want to start bandying round the Bill of Rights then take a look at the 4th amendment while you're at it - 'cos that's what the buggers are infringing on.

It's strange when you think about it. If Ben Franklin had stood up in congress and said 'Hey I know, let's put a bell in everyone's bedroom, that any person in the world can ring day or night' they'd have locked him up and thrown away the key. But that's what we have today. Go figure...

Alright I've rambled on enough. Have a great weekend!

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
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