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Bored Bored BoredBored Bored Bored

2003-09-30 - 8:10 p.m.
I'm bored.

Bored, Bored, Bored bored bored. I've played all the Heretic 2 I want to. There's nothing on TV. I finished reading my book. It's not bed time. R. is doing her CE homework in the garage (the smoking room). J. is still up so its not like I can sit here and crack one off looking at porn. There's nothing to drink in the house except some filthy rasberry zinfandel that R. likes. Not that I'd have a drink anyway. Its a school night which means getting up at O-dark-thirty tomorrow.

I read a book called 'Go ask Alice'. Its a journal of a 15 year old girl and her fight with drugs. Its anonymous. Go buy it. Read it. Make your kids read it.

I tried studying the Qabbalah earlier but I'm really just not into it right now. I even did some exercises. God, I must be bored! BUT I'm not so bored that I'll actually do any of the creative projects I want to work on. Oh no, God forbid I should use my spare time effectively. Damn what am I in such a mood about? Maybe its because I've been working from home the last two days. I need some social contact, I think. I'll be back in the office tomorrow, so that will help. Nothing relieves boredom like dealing with other people's bullshit. They should bottle it and sell it. Prepackaged Bullshit, now there's an idea! Oh wait, its already been done. Its called television.

Its looking more and more like Arnold is going to win California. I can't vote, though if I did, I'd probably vote Dem. But I'd kinda like to see Arnold win, simply because he's NOT a politician. Jesse Ventura's been doing good - refresshing change I think. Anyway, I was thinking up post gubernatorial election headlines today.

'Hasta La Vista, Davis!' is, I'm sure going to appear somewhere. Except now I've said it first, so they'll have to pay me for it. Lemme try some more:

  • Davis falsehoods lose out to True Lies
  • Davis has been Terminated
  • Davis: "I'll be back"
  • New Governor is pumped up
  • Arnold to Davis: "Get your ass to welfare"

    Ok I'm digging a little too deep now. Think I'll give it a rest. Maybe I'll go play some music (I use the term loosely. If I play music, it usually sounds like a rhinocerous being castrated in a wind tunnel).

    Have a better one...

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
  • Kids: Yes
  • Cats: Yes
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  • Dogs: No
  • Lemurs: No
  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
  • Religion: In Progress
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