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2003-12-01 - 8:42 a.m.
Damn, I hate starting the week in a pissy mood. I got pissed off this morning when I was checking the stats for the site. I found some nimrod had copied all of the deity images and put them on his site with a sentence about each one and a link back to us. Now, I don't mind people using some of our content (as long as they don't sell it), but the images are off limits, because they are not mine in the first place. They belong to various artists that have been kind enough to allow me to use their pictures on the website, and if every Tom, Dick and Harry starts copying them from our site, WE will lose permission to use them. What really stuck in my craw was this guy said he DID have permission, from us, which is bullshit!

So I am suitably ticked this morning in consequence. If they were my images, I wouldn't mind. But they're not, they're other peoples that have trusted me with their work, and there are goofballs out there willing to take advantage of that trust. So now I have to find a way of protecting the pictures without using hotlink protection, which affects the distributed content. Hmmm....

Anyway, its Monday, and I'm back at work. I have work to do, and I need to do it, but I keep finding reasons not to...

Tell me why I don't like Mondays?

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
  • Kids: Yes
  • Cats: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Dogs: No
  • Lemurs: No
  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
  • Religion: In Progress
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