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The Hangover begins...The Hangover begins...

2004-01-01 - 2:06 p.m.
Opening my eyes, gently, I realise that I have not died. In fact most of my cognitive functions appear to be intact, if a little fuzzy. R. is already awake.

"Mmmm. If you make coffee I'll start laying traps."
"So we can catch whatever the hell it was that took a dump in my mouth while I was sleeping."

The evening starts to come back to me. We had about 15 people turn up, which was a lot more than I expected. I do recall someone practising projectile vomiting around 4:00 am...It was another 2 hours before we chased the last of them out of the house and headed to bed, just before the sun came up.

I also recall attempting a diaryland entry at one point last night. Oh, and calling first John, then my sister and handing the phone round to everyone so they could all talk to these cool people with their funny accents. At least I had the presence of mind to wait until the sun was up in the UK. I do suspect this will be some kind of monstrous phone bill though. Oops.

What else? Darts. Playing darts. I think I won. Penny Ante Poker. God knows who won that. There was a lot of food. I mean a LOT of food. And enough alcohol to float a battleship.

You know how to spot a good party? If you end the evening with more alcohol left over than you started with, then it was a good party. Don't know why that works, but its true. Speaking of which, what the hell did I drink? I remember a few crown and cokes. A bottle of merlot. A screwdriver. Couple of Coronas. Champagne of course. Some wierd-ass rum thing. Fortunately I also ate half the gross domestic product of Luxembourg and that absorbed a lot of the alcohol.

R and I got up at 6:00 am the previous morning, and went to be just after 6:00 am this morning, so after 24 hours of being up, 8 of which were spent motherless, we basically collapsed into an unconscious heap. Its a miracle to me we woke up so early (11 am).

So here I am, drinking V8, eating left overs and pulling faces over the Alka Seltzer. R. is semi-conscious on the couch watching some moving with Chris Tucker and Charlie Sheen.

And another year begins. Who knows what dreams may come?

Happy New Year :)

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
  • Kids: Yes
  • Cats: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Dogs: No
  • Lemurs: No
  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
  • Religion: In Progress
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