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Humpday. Yeah, ride that day, beotch!Humpday. Yeah, ride that day, beotch!

2004-03-31 - 7:50 a.m.
Life is what you make it.

I feel a bit rough and disinclined to function efficiently this morning because last night my brain was Merlot laced. My choice.

And who was the nimrod that cranked the friggin heat up to 80 degrees?

I need coolness to sleep.

"Is the air on, hun?" I asked R. just before turning out the light.
"Yep, I put it on 73"

I woke up at 2:00 am with a full bladder, a blocked nose and a dry throat. The room was warm. I wandered down the hall, found the thermostat. It was set to 'HEAT' and the thermometer was on 80 degrees. I swore a bit then reset it, and as the air cooled my nose unblocked. With an empty bladder and a lubricated throat I drifted off into a dream about our air conditioning unit breaking down.

JS, my niece, put her picture on Last time she checked she was at 8.6 which made her very happy. She also got onto for guys in Maine where she will be for six months starting in May.

I hope she finds a man to treat her right, she hasn't had a lot of luck in recent years...

New subject: Astro Charts. boxx9000 asked if I could explain about them. This came about because I asked her daughter kitty-kaboom if she has any Leo in her chart. I was surprised to find out the answer is 'none at all'. I guess that can serve as a warning to take some of the astrology stuff with a pinch of salt...

Anyway, a good site I found to answer questions about astrology was right here.

Another new subject: sex2004. Could someone please tell me what this is? I have been getting an uncommon amount of hits from search engines because of a misaligned diary entry that spells out sex2004. But when I search for sex2004, nothing leaps out at me as being the main thing people would be searching for. Is it a rock group, a porn site, a userid, what? Answers on a postcard please (or use the comments section).

I need to update my template. I'm not 39 anymore nor am I approaching 40. I AM 40. I need to make some changes, little things you know? But not too many. Recently I've been getting good reviews for the layout, even though I know it is a little cluttered. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

One thing that is broke is the TV we replaced with a new one. It now sits lurking in the garage. I think there is a small internal fuse in it that needs replacing. I think I could probably fix it myself. Maybe I'll give it a go this weekend.

I also have a Sony Vaio laptop that refuses to boot, but will not be drawn on the reasons why it refuses to boot. I don't like computer problems that are beyond me, but I suspect this one may be.

Wow, I'm a regular little windbag today aren't I?

Oh, one more thing. J. is failing everything except P.E. If we're lucky, he can make up Spanish, but Algebra and World geography scored 28 and 31 for the last nine week segment. Since we didn't get any progress reports during the term (despite various attempts to obtain them), we cannot fix this. He is basically screwed.

Alright, that's about it. I need to get this party started right. Oh wait, I'm at work. Crap, I guess I'd better go look interested...

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
  • Kids: Yes
  • Cats: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Dogs: No
  • Lemurs: No
  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
  • Religion: In Progress
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