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Strange DaysStrange Days

2004-04-14 - 7:35 a.m.
Yesterday started out bad. Got better, got busy, got home, got tired, got pissed off.

R's flowers arrived and she was very happy with them, which made me feel better for forgetting to say happy birthday when walking out the door...

Lunchtime I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up presents for her from me and J., plus cards from both of us and the cats.

All in all, with last night's pressies, plus the PDA and the cell phone, she did pretty good, so that made me feel better.

Then we decide to go out to eat, so I go to check my bank account and I'm overdrawn!!!

It took some figuring out but I finally found out I had forgotten to add in the $150 into my calculations that I had spent when we went back to Frye's Electronics. I religiously put my receipts in my wallet, but Frye's don't give you a receipt, they give you a friggin three volume tome and so it didn't make it into my wallet. Which meant it didn't make it into my calculations, which meant I had less money than I thought I did.


So R. paid for us to go to Chile's. Well when we get there, J. suddenly starts pulling his pouty drama queen bit.

"What do you want to eat J?"
"Mumble, mumble, don't care, mumble, mumble"
"What's wrong?"
"mumble, nothing, leave me alone, mumble, mumble."

After that the dinner was kind of a bust.

Heinlein once wrote "Teenage boys should be locked in a barrel and fed through the bunghole until they turn 18. At which point the decision can be made to either let them out, or drive home the bung..."

Heinlein was a smart guy.

Some of you are probably struggling with Taxes right now. I was not exactly thrilled to find out on NPR this morning that 60% of large corporations don't pay any taxes, by using various tax avoidance methods.

We need a flat tax. 10% off the top for everyone. EVERYONE. And no other taxes. Hell we could probably even go to 5% and still be better off than we are now.

But with 10%, 5% could go to the federal government, 3% to the states and 2% to the local district.

And I mean off the top. Some of you will bitch and say "Why should a company pay taxes on Revenue? What if they make a loss?" Tough titty. As an individual, I have to pay my taxes off the top. And if I have jack shit to show for it at the end of the year, I don't get to go whining to the IRS. So neither should corporations. 10%. Off the top. Every person. Every company. No other taxes.

Something needs to change.

"The rich do none of the work and pay none of the taxes. The middle class do all of the work and pay all of the taxes, and the poor are just there to scare the shit out of the middle class..." - George Carlin.

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
  • Kids: Yes
  • Cats: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Dogs: No
  • Lemurs: No
  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
  • Religion: In Progress
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