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What the world needs now...What the world needs now...

2004-05-07 - 7:30 a.m.
I'm happy that Friends made it to 10 years. Like most people however, I think I was kind of done.

I'm in the office today. I have a mild 6-pack Heineken hangover. But at least I slept good.

I started reading the Zelator section of the Golden Dawn last night (The 2nd Knowledge Lecture). Astrological houses, Geomancy, elementals and alchemy are just some of the things I have to come to grips with over the next three months.

Busy, busy, busy.

The threat of pay cuts still looms over us, at a time when inflation appears ready to start lifting off. Oh goody.

And I still have this nasty feeling that the Bushman is going to win a second term. If he does, I think things will get worse to a nasty degree, and we will be dragged into places and situations that we never intended our children to see.

I could be wrong, of course.

He may use his second term to reach out to the global community and show them that America is a nation that doesn't want to trample on the sovereign rights of other countries. He might encourage americans to not be such a consumption-oriented society. It's possible he will unite with the environmentalists and work to clean up our air and our water without simply exporting the problems to other countries. He may even support same sex marriages and religious equality, recognizing Wicca as a true religion (since the IRS already does) and allowing the Pentagram or triple moon to be used on the graves of fallen military wiccans.

He may tell the Energy board that incentives will be given to develop renewable fuel sources, and that the burning of our remaining fossil fuels must cease. Now.

He may decide that with less people mad at us as a result of all these initatives, that he doesn't need to spend every last cent on military buildups and star wars technologies, but will instead make sure that there is adequate healthcare for the 40 million Americans that can't afford it. And he could make generic drugs available for the developing countries that are being forced into extinction.

He might even finally understand how important education is to this country and start paying teachers a decent wage and allocating more funds and resources to schools.

Perhaps he will even stop the FCC from shitting all over our first amendment rights. For that matter, he may even elect Judges that see themselves as Blind Defenders of the Constitution, rather than using their positions to look out for their duck-hunting buddies.

All these things are more Bush might do if he gets elected to a second term.

But somehow, sadly, I doubt it...

Enjoy your Friday

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