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Think Happy ThoughtsThink Happy Thoughts

2004-05-13 - 1:00 p.m.
Someone asked me "What is the world coming to?". This is the answer I gave them.

"Here's the problem, in a nutshell.

If someone breaks into my house and attacks and kills my family, and I kill them, it is self defense.

If someone attacks and kills my wife or family miles away, and I go after them, its called murder.

If someone attacks and kills someone from my country, and I go kill someone else in retaliation, its called terrorism.

If someone attacks and kills someone in another country, and my country sends me to kill them, its called war.

If someone attacks and kills someone and I do nothing, its called apathy.

Every day, we have more people and less resources. As long as that situation continues, there will be more wars, more terrorism, more murders, more self defense. The closer events hit to home, the less apathy people can indulge in. Regardless of who commits the atrocity, they will justify it because of the atrocity committed against them previously. It is not a cycle that is going to get any better. As the situations get worse, we need more intelligent solutions, and that means more intelligent people to find the solutions. The intelligent people in underdeveloped countries are trying to stay alive themselves. In the developed world, we spend more money on entertainment than education. Our heroes are footballers, not teachers; film stars, not scientists; soldiers, not philosophers. Physical beauty is valued more than intellect, so geeks breed less. Generationally, we are getting dumber, faster.

What is the world coming to?

An end.."

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
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  • Profession: Geek
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