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2004-06-29 - 8:33 a.m.
The rain it raineth every day, upon the Just and Unjust fella.

But more upon the Just because, the Unjust stole the Just's Umbrella...

This is week four of Soggypalooza in DFW. They think we have had maybe 5 days rain free. That's pretty unheard of for this area at this time of year.

By now we would normally be frying eggs on the sidewalk.

Looking out into our back yard, I'm expecting to see squirrels in galoshes, and little groups of coolies planting rice crops.

In other news, I may have figured out what's wrong with the human race. Or to be more precise, I think I can validate the theory of Julian Jaynes that humanity's consciousness shifted from primarily right brain (and therefore group focused) to primarily left brain (and therefore self-focused) sometime between 3688BC and 1250BC.

If this is true, then we are screwed ten ways from Sunday, because in prior global disruptions, we have always operated as a group - the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. This time we will not be looking at things from that angle - and we may not survive.

One ray of hope, however, is the evidence that suggests that this shift in consciousness was a sudden event, not a gradual, evolutionary thing. Something changed us quickly and genetically. If we can find it, we can reverse it.

But the clock is ticking, which brings me to the second problem. Time.

It is running out, I think.

There seems to be a 4000-5000 year cycle of , well, something. The last cycle began in 3113BC, right after the last flood, which was caused by the last big meteor impact, apparently in the Mediteranean Sea. Prior to that, the previous one was sometime in the middle of the 7th millenium BC, and that was similar to SL9 in that seven fragments impacted the planet, mostly in the oceans. The Mayans record these events, and go back about 25000 years, showing that they have happened before.

The next one, according to them, is due as a christmas present for 2012.

The most likely explanation for this is a long period stellar object. Whether this object is a cloud of meteors (like the Perseids) with some really big ass rocks in it, or one huge meteor, comet or asteroid with a lot of large debris is something I don't know.

History suggests that it was (is) an object that can be tracked - a lot of manpower and equipment was tied up by our ancestors in building machines to track the stars and to monitor for unusual activity in the area of Orion.

So if it was visible from space at some point before closest approach. For reference, Hale-Bopp was found outside the orbit of Jupiter in July 1995, and reached closest approach in 1997. So we are not likely to even know about this thing until 2010 at the earliest.

That's about all I have time for right now. I'll give you more info when I know it :)

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
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  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
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