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Jesus is Coming! Look Busy...Jesus is Coming! Look Busy...

2004-11-16 - 8:11 a.m.
Anyone watch Trading Spouses last night? I felt sorry for the christian fundamentalist wife a little. Just not very much.

If you surround yourself with people that all share your view, then your views never get challenged, and you never get to defend your beliefs to anyone - including yourself.

What I believe is still a work in progress. But the things I am sure of are the result of twenty years of discussion, dissection, verbal battles and sudden realizations.
My faith is not lead by a fuzzy bunny.
My beliefs are not espoused by Mr. Fluffy.

When I look at a new religion I think 'What elements does it have in common with other religions? What are its roots? What pieces are based on events in the distant past, and which ideologies are simply an attempt at crowd control?

Speaking of Religion, I have noticed a lot of similarities between Christian Fundamentalism and Islamic Fundamentalism. I'm not talking about the bible or the root of their beliefs.
I'm talking about the 'spin' that both put on their religion.
Family values (whatever the hell they are - usually they seem to involve a secondary role for women), abstinence, rewards in heaven, proselytizing, fighting the good fight because God is on your side and not the other guy's.
You may have noticed that more than a few countries are destabilizing and converting to Islam, then becoming enemies of the US.
Mostly in Asia, but it is also spreading to Europe, and undoubtedly the US. The right wing conservatism currently running this country is, ironically, going to make it easier for the process to occur here.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not anti-muslim. Neither am I anti-christian. But this fundamentalist BS has very little to do with either religion and serves as a convenient label under which to oppress some areas of the population while claiming you're doing it for the greater glory of God.

Oh Lord, Protect me from your followers...

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