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A stitch in time...A stitch in time...

2005-07-05 - 9:21 a.m.
Being a worry wort has its uses at times.

The kids didn't end up getting fireworks, instead we hung out in a school parking lot and watched different displays from this one location.

It was kind of fun.

On the way back, we saw a fire that had just started by the side of the road, probably from a falling rocket.

It would take hold rapidly in the dry texas grass that surrounded a housing edition on all sides.

As we approached, everyone slowed down then sped off again.

I pulled over.

"What are you doing?" asked R.
"I have a Fire extinguisher in the trunk."
"why do you...never mind."
"Call the Fire Department"

I pulled the extinguisher from the trunk and ran across the road, dodging the traffic , found the right way to point it and pressed the button.

The force and speed with which it doused this respectable little fire gave me a better understanding of the word 'Extinguish'.

Once the smoke from the fire cleared, I could see a few embers still glowing, but the extinguisher was exhausted.

"I got an answering machine" said R.


Fortunately, our friends in the truck ahead had finally turned around and come back.

I got one of the kids to give me a 2 litre bottle of root beer from the truck, and I poured that over the last embers, and around the rest of the area just to be sure.

And that was that. No-one will know, except you, gentle reader, who it was that stopped and put out a fire that would have quickly grown in size and most likely damaged some homes before the fire department could have got there.

But I know.

And I also know if I hadn't been worried about fireworks starting a brushfire that day, I wouldn't have put the Fire Extinguisher in the trunk, and wouldn't have been able to put out the the brushfire started by a firework.

So I feel a little better about myself today.

Sometimes I just need validation, I guess...

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
  • Kids: Yes
  • Cats: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Dogs: No
  • Lemurs: No
  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
  • Religion: In Progress
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