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WARNING! Bad Language!WARNING! Bad Language!

2003-10-04 - 10:57 a.m.
WARNING: I am in full RANT mode. Some language may not be suitable for those with sensitive dispositions!

I hate the IRS. I hate fucking hate hate hate them!!! I wrote the check for the monthly blood money. Name. Social Security Number, Form Number, Tax Period. Daytime Phone number. Finally between all this shit I managed to squeeze in the amount and made it out to the Internal Revenue Service. Which was when I read 'Make checks payable to United States Treasury'.

Damn and Blast! What the fuck is WRONG with these people!!! I can't automate this payment because of the amount of crap they put on the check, so I am going to have to do this SHIT every month for the next YEAR. I hate the IRS. Why do we have them, anyway?? I don't have a problem with taxes, even thought they're unconstitutional. But there is no reason, other than corruption and inefficiency, why we can't have a 10% flat tax that you ONLY pay when you're employed. And which comes out of your paycheck automatically (which ours does) without the need to file or any of that crap. You don't have to file in England, or Europe, so why the FUCK do you have to file here? And why in the name of God's holy trousers is it so friggin complicated? 10% Income Tax. 10% Capital Gains Tax. 10% Estate Tax. Across the board. Automatic. Universal. THEN YOU DON'T NEED IRS to enforce it. THEN YOU DON'T NEED all this extra government BUREAUCRATIC BULLSHIT, which is WASTING MONEY. MY MONEY! YOUR MONEY!

I mean come on people, this is so friggin SIMPLE. EVERYBODY PAYS 10%. Rich or Poor. Oh, and if we want to go to war? No problem. You can Levy an additional 1-2% tax ON EVERYONE WHO MAKES MONEY. BUT only if you NAME THE COUNTRY YOU ARE GOING TO WAR WITH, and the tax can not be in place for more than TWO YEARS without being revoted on. State Taxes? Income tax only. 3% only. ON EVERYONE. NO SALES TAX. Why? Because Sales tax kills poorer people.

I make $10 and buy something for $1. I pay 8 cents sales tax, which represents 0.8% of my income. You make $1, buy something for $1 and pay 8 cents sales tax. THATS 8% of YOUR income! Does that seem fair to you? You're paying proportionally 10 times MORE tax than me, just because you make one tenth of what I make! That is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We don't need any more poor people in this country. The Rich do none of the work and pay none of the taxes. The Middle Class pay most of the taxes and do most of the work, and the poor? Well, the poor are just there to scare the SHIT out of the middle class....

Alrigth that's enough of my rant. Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system. Have a nice Saturday...

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
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  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
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