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J's got Effin' homework! Literally!J's got Effin' homework! Literally!

2003-11-12 - 7:21 a.m.
Wednesday. Ye day of Ye hump. Did you know that Ye is correctly pronounced 'The?'. When the romans got to Britain and started putting signs up for things, they didn't have a letter that represented 'TH'. There is no 'TH' in latin. So they used the old runic letter Thorn, which looks like this:

When the Gutenberg press came into being, and typesetting became popular, the letter 'Y' was used for Thorn, since it was the closest match. That's how 'The' became 'Ye', and 'Thou' became 'You'. For some reason, we chose to change Ye back to The, but not You back to Thou. Go figure...

I digress. J. is trainwrecking his classes this term. Every night I ask him if he has any homework. Every night he says 'No'. R. check his backpack last night, and found report cards showing that he hasn't turned in most of his homework assignments and consequently has a lot of 'F's. In fact there were a lot of 'F's muttered and shouted by both R. and me last night in consequence. His computer privileges have been revoked until he gets his grades back up, and we're back to spending an hour a night going through his homework with him.

Enterprise and West Wing tonight. The US version of coupling got cancelled, whih is neither surprising or sad. And David Brent got fired in 'The Office!'. That's going to be interesting. Season finale tomorrow night. I expect they've already seen it in the U.K. Anyone know if there doing a season?

Phase I of the project is complete, I am now entering phase II, which I need to try and get as much done as possible today during quiet periods. Consequently, I'm going to sign off now and work on it. Have a great humpday.

P.S. I need a non-lieutenant grade SnowMonkey to contact me as quickly as possible...

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
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