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The Turkey is nigh...The Turkey is nigh...

2003-11-26 - 8:19 a.m.
Wednesday. Thanksgiving tomorrow! Four days away from this dump! Yippeee!

I didn't write yesterday since we had somewhat of a busy day, what with finishing off a project I was working on and going to J's. school and hearing the series of horror stories from his teachers. Basically the message was the same: He is a smart kid that won't apply himself. When he does the work he gets an A. When he doesn't he gets an F.

He is even failing art. How do you fail art? Ask Yoyo, who seems to be experiencing the same thing right now. J. is failing because instead of doing the work, he just intends to do the work, then dicks around in class playing with his runes. Or reading. He reads a lot.

Most of the teachers were pretty straight up. The BCIS teacher however was lucky to make it out of the conference room alive...

"Over the last six weeks, J has been..." she trails off. R. almost grabs her by the shoulders

"He's been what?" she asks


"could ya BE a little more specific?"

She tried with out much success. R. didn't actually maim her, but was able to vent most of her anger by thumping her fist repeatedly on the table. R. has a hard time with people that seem to think they have a problem, but can't really define what it is, but still think its just awful. I have a problem with people like that too. Unfortunately I run into them a lot in my profession and so have learned to deal with them in a more even tempered way.

"My computer isn't working"

"Ok, there's a little red button on the front marked power. Stop me if I'm going too fast for you."

I am working on the planets as part of the First Knowledge lecture. I know there signs and meanings and understand most of the relationship between them. I'm building a section for them on the Website so that I can mark that part of the lecture as completed and reported. One side effect of this whole Golden Dawn thing, is that is likely to get a whole lot more content :>

Alrighty, I guess that's it for now. I expect updates over the next few days to be sporadic, what with it being thanksgiving and all. We'll see :>

Enjoy your Turkey day!

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
  • Kids: Yes
  • Cats: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Dogs: No
  • Lemurs: No
  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
  • Religion: In Progress
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