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Golden Dawn Sound Awareness.Golden Dawn Sound Awareness.

2003-12-09 - 3:22 p.m.
This journal is not just for others to read, its for me to read too. As you know I'm studying the Golden Dawn. Occasionally therefore, from now, you will see entries like this. They are not likely to stay out there very long - they're not part of the normal cycle. It's just for my own personal reference. But read them by all means. I'll call them something beginning with Golden Dawn so its easier to separate them. Today I had to pay attention to sounds.

Clock Radio. R's is louder than mine. Coffee machine, grinding louder and louder, faster and faster and then stopping. Water running like air leaking out the side of a pressurized space. Dodgy fan in the power supply of the CPU groaning, groaning, thump, whirring.

Tap, tap, tap. R's voice, comforting. The sound of a kiss, like to snooker balls gently touching. J groaning.

Coffee being stirred, chink, chink, chink. Door slamming, bells jingling.

Ding-dong, ding-dong - motion detector letting me know someone is leaving. Or coming. Or driving by three blocks over. Quietness. Slight quiet roar of the warm air circulators. Wind outside the window. Tap, tap, tap. eMail chiming. Click, click. Cupboard, rustle, oatmeal pouring into a bowl. Water dribbling. Beep, Beep, and another electronic roar. Coffee pouring. Beeep.Beeep.Beeep. Microwave door clunking. Spoon chiming against the bowl.

Tap-tap-tap. Click. Click. Tap-tap-tap.


rustly chink of keys. Door open, close, lock. Beep-Beep. Car door clunks, engine turns. That unmistakable sound of reversing. Thump, thump, off the curb. Gasoline pouring into tank like and elephant peeing. Beep beep. Voices, very texan. One slightly gay. Drive thru. creaking and groaning of leather seat and seat belt as I fumble for my wallet. Rustle of the paper bag. accelerating, braking suddenly, ga-dug-da-dug of the ABS. accelerating, decelerating, crusing, ka-thump, slow, engine dying. Me grunting and groaning. Beep. Key turning in lock. Rustle, munch, munch, tap-tap-tap.


Leaves blowing in the wind. Trashsack opening like a parachute expanding. Leaves rustling and crunching. Shoveling under them into the trashsack. Rustle rustle rustle. Wind blowing. Hard, cold. Hurts my ears. Wind insistent. Rustle, shovel. Sit on bag, roll on back, leaves crunching inside. Sealing bag. Door opening, door closing. Screen door slamming. Tap-tap-tap.


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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
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  • Passion: Writer
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