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Live Long and Bump uglies...Live Long and Bump uglies...

2004-02-12 - 7:19 a.m.
Power Corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

And that's all I have to say about that. I was going to get into a long spiel about it, but suffice it to say that the coven that R. belongs to is having issues right now.

The reason power corrupts, is because it is corrupted power in the first place. Whatever power you think you have in this world is meaningless when you go belly-up and kick your legs in the air for the last time. The sad thing about it is, that those who get themselves into these perceived positions of power not only damage their own existence, but also act as a road block for others. Which is how the Church got to be so big in the first place. Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Knowledge leads you to make a choice. Do I share what I know, or keep it for myself? Many people choose to hoard knowledge so they can keep their job, students, followers etc.

I will never hoard knowledge. Most of you know I'm on some kind of spiritual journey right now, one that is likely to last another couple of years. I promise you that I won't hide what I discover.

Some things I have already figured out, but putting them into a coherent picture is not always easy. Not all the terms translate easily to english. The simplest explanation I can give you is this: It is okay to leave a hole in the world when you die, as long as that hole is in the hearts and minds of people that loved you. But if you leave them only with relief that you're finally gone, or if the only accomplishments you have are measured in the size of your bank account or your estate, then it is far better that you leave no hole at all.

If you think there is nothing beyond this life, then you will most likely be right. For if everything you are is tied to the earthly plane, then all of your energy will be de-energized and recycled back on this plane.

But if you believe there is something more, and work to bring about for yourself an existence that is balanced in its cares for this world and the next, then much of who you are will remain intact when you go shuffle off this mortal coil.

You do not need to join the God Squad.

It does not matter what faith you are.

It does not matter whether or not you can even define your religion.

Just look up in the sky once in a while, and see through the eyes of a child.

In other news, T'pol banged Trip last night on Enterprise! Oh my God! That jealous little conniving Vulcan! She wanted to get back at him (and also prove to herself she could have him) after he had started making patty fingers with one of the lady NCOs in the Marine squad attached to the Enterprise for this mission. Of course, she never admitted it :>

West Wing was good last night also. Glad to see that at least Wednesday nights are still as constant as the Northern star - don't know how long that will last though....

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
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