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Blow Bush. Please!Blow Bush. Please!

2004-07-14 - 10:38 p.m.
I see that the President is looking for a way to extend his term by getting a constitutional amendment passed to delay the election in times of crisis.

In England, they can have elections whenever they damn well please within certain parameters, so the ruling party can choose a time when their numbers are up. Its a system that works.

But I don't agree with it.

This is not the world of 50 years ago. There is no one country or entity (with the possible exception of China) that could actually create a situation that would require a president to stay in office during a disaster.

After 9/11, Mayor Guliani left as planned. The city survived.

America has been through two world wars, police actions and various different assaults and attacks.

The US is the 800lb Gorilla. It does not need any one man holding its hand. Particularly not a short, selfish fuckwit with the IQ of a concussed bee.

I take that back. That comment was thoughtless and unfeeling.

I'm sure many bee owners have run into situations where their small flying buddies have thumped into a window (repeatedly) and been severely concussed. I have no doubt they would be quick to point out that within a relatively short period of time the bee has recovered with no loss of IQ. I withdraw the analogy.

Our president does not have the IQ of a concussed bee. He has an IQ that is high enough above the average republican voter to actually fool them into voting for him.

Don't even start with me.

Anyone who voted for Bush and then justifies it by saying Clinton was getting blown in the Oval office deserves to be shot through the frigging lungs.

So he got blown. So Fucking What.

I am MORE than happy to know that the man holding the Nuclear football got to RELAX a little. I would have been more worried if he wasn't getting blown.

Which brings me to our current president. Do you really think Laura plays the Pink Oboe on a regular basis? Me neither.

Now Hilary? Yeah, I can believe that. I bet she gets well nasty between the sheets given half a chance. When she was unaware of what Bill was up to, I wouldn't be surprised to learn she was suck-starting the Commander in Chief any given weekday morning.

But not Laura.

As Sarah Jessica Parker pointed out one time in Sex in the City: If women were prepared to give more blowjobs, they would rule the world. And it would leave their hands free to greet visiting dignitaries.

Now the big question is, what about Teresa Kerry? Oh hell yeah.

I have no doubt that she would go down like a Windows Server. And I bet she'd be happy to finish off with a Pearl Necklace! (Or one of the other 56 varieties she knows...)

See, now there's a FLOTUS* you can rely on to keep the Nuclear Peace.

So remember Boys and girls, come November, don't vote for Kerry because Bush sucks. Vote for Kerry because Laura doesn't....

  • * You're either not watching enough West Wing or not reading enough Tom Clancy. Flotus = First Lady of the United States.

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