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Inter-Continental Ballistic CatpewkInter-Continental Ballistic Catpewk

2005-01-17 - 2:12 p.m.
I have had just about as much as I can take of this shit.
I am supposed to be working today, but it is Martin Luther King day, so J. is off.
Now for some reason over the weekend J. went from being the Troll that lives in a Hole to a Social Butterfly, and spent Saturday and Sunday over at freinds houses, which was fine, but today they're spending time over here, which is not so fine.
Aside from trying to work, I had to go get them burgers because there was nothing they wanted to eat but were clearly hungry and I didn't want to send them back to their parents with a bad impression about us.
One asked if he could use R's computer, and I said 'No'. I don't know why I said 'No' at the time. Sometimes I say no or yes to things without knowing the reasons at a conscious level.
So after dealing with a screaming TV, J. getting pissy because his computer wouldn't do what he wanted it to and various other kid oriented issues which a) I'm not used to dealing with and b) Because I'm used to adults in the house and want them to feel comfortable I tend to try and help solve problems wherever possible,
I've basically got no work done, so I decide to go lie down and chill, which I did for all of 15 minutes.
Well the little shits called R. who was in a meeting and asked if they could use her computer and she said yes and asked where the hell I was and they said taking a nap.
So I get up, literally after 15 minutes and go back to my computer and now little Adrian is installing a game on R's computer and Maury Povich is blaring on the TV, the phone is going every five minutes and J. and his buddy Josh are having some strange Monty Python conversayion and now R. is calling me back asking me if I think it's ok for them to use her computer and what am I doing taking a nap and she doesn't want kids running around the house and well you know what neither do I.
So I turn off the TV, and now I'm kicking them out, feeling crappy about it. And now they want a ride over to Josh's house and why the fuck not if it gets them out of here faster.
I am happy that J. has friends, I'm happy for them to come over. But we are not doing this crap anymore when I'm working from home. And J. is going to get an earful about going behind my back and calling R. when I had specifically said 'No' , and now I know why becuse this games is the noisiest goddamn game I've ever heard and I just want SOME PEACE AND FUCKING QUIET!!!

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
  • Status: Separated
  • Kids: Yes
  • Cats: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Dogs: No
  • Lemurs: No
  • Profession: Geek
  • Passion: Writer
  • Religion: In Progress
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