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Trouble in ParadiseTrouble in Paradise

2005-01-31 - 9:50 a.m.
Ok, so I'm supposed to add my crime and punishment stuff in here today.
Well, I'm not in the mood to do that this morning because its been a shitty day already.
I hate days like this.
J. didn't set his alarm clock, so he overslept, then R. was a little late checking on him, then when he got up he's dragging his ass around, so of course he misses the bus.
R. is trying to be reasonable with him, and he's giving her attitude so finally I just yell 'J., be a man goddammit and take some responsibility!'
Then he starts doing his Napoleon Dynamite impressions.
'I am - Ttt - Jeez!!'
R. tells us to both shut up and I drive him to school.
'Have a nice day.'
Then when I get back, R. tells me about how he responds better to reasoning than shouting, which I know perfectly well but I need to release the anger I have pent up which is why I yelled at him, because its cathartic and I have a hot button for punctuality, which no-one else in this family seems to so I guess its something I need to get over.
Anyway R. is explaining this to me reasonably and all I want to do is scream so instead I try and smile (which comes out like a sneer, or some such) and give her a thumbs up and walk away.
Ok, now she's really upset because she thinks I'm treating her as if she's beneath contempt.
Which is not it all.
"It's the way you'd talk to someone at work, not someone you're in a relationship with."
"No..well, yes actually I have done that at work a few times but I just didn't want to argue about it right then."
"Well that's not good here because we're supposed to be able to talk."
"Look, I have three ways of dealing with this. I either yell, which is unpleasant and unfair. Or I shut up, which is what I chose to do. I'm sorry I got a funny look on my face in the process, but I don't know what that look looks like because I don't see it. The only other way I have of dealing with this is heading the problem off before it happens, which is where I go back to making sure he gets his ass up on time and is out the door by 6:20 am. And you've already told me you don't want me to do that."
We kind of left it like that.
When she was leaving I asked
"Are we ok?"
"I guess"
Which means 'No'. But she will probably be over it before I am. And J. will be over it before I am.
And I either act like I'm over it, or try and have some kind of family meeting which could either fix the problem or make things worse.
And we had such a nice relaxing weekend too.
This morning sucks.

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  • Name: Catpewk
  • Age: 43
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