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Questions, Questions, Questions.Questions, Questions, Questions.

2005-04-09 - 11:04 a.m.
If there is a physical, material component (let's call it X for this discussion) to the connection between our brains and our various states of being, then I think it is very important to understand what it is and where it occurs. Case in point is Terry Schiavo.

Did keeping her alive in a body she could not use keep her consciousness tied to her physical existence for 15 years? Was that a good thing or a bad thing? If 'X' resides in the cerebral cortex, and (as doctors claimed) her cerebral cortex was so much fish paste, was the link severed?

Some people (rarely) come out of comas where they were said to be brain dead but their heart kept beating (because lower brain function was intact). Other times, people have been kept on life support while in a coma because there was minimal brain activity and they eventually recovered. Sometimes their personalities are different. Has a different entity taken over in this case? Is this good or bad?

Does X reside in the heart, so that when the heart stops for a time the person dies, or does it reside in an area of the brain, like the cerebral cortex? Or does it not exist at all as a physical component, but rather is the Human energy field (or aura) ?

When the Hiroshima bomb went off, did we just destroy the physical bodies of the people involved, or was 'X' destroyed also, and does 'X' need to exist in order for a person to re-incarnate? Are there limitless 'X' components out there (unlikely if it is a physical thing) or is there an upper limit to how many human beings can be alive at the same time (like the concept of The Guff)?

These are just a few of the questions that I have no answer to, but would very much like to know. The Meta-verse follows rules, laid down at creation. We know some of these rules now, but as yet have only theories about the last big human mystery. Answers to the above questions would help us understand the bigger picture a lot better, and would help us become better humans, IMHO.

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