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Take control, Body and Soul *Take control, Body and Soul *

2005-04-14 - 9:33 a.m.
Why is lust something to be avoided in the Philosophus grade of the Golden Dawn?, I hear you ask.
You didn't ask?
Must have been the voices in my head then...
Lust, in the sexual sense, is unthinking. It is barely controlled, if at all. It is a very basic instinct.
In and of itself, it is not a bad thing. Lust can be fun, and without lust the human race would have died out a long time ago.
But lust cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be said to be a higher emotion.
It is the focusing of all one's power into a rather strange and somewhat comical piece of anatomy.
When you fire your lust bolt, it is gone.
Speaking of Fire, the 4=7 grade is based in Netzach, the Sephira of Fire, and fire is an element that is hard to control. Fire is lust in its rawest (is that a word?) form. It consumes it spreads, it destroys and when it is spent, it leaves nothing of value behind.
Because you are working with the Element of Fire in this grade, it is incredibly important that you respect it, and don't unleash it blindly, otherwise it will bite you in the ass.
In other words, you have to overcome the temptation to give in to it. By doing so, you conquer another little piece of your animal self - you make powerless another one of your demons.
Mastery of the self is the key.
That's not to say that nookie is out. Quite the reverse. You need to control and direct the fire, and for that you need to set back fires, that will allow you to use the fire against itself.
Incorporate your lust into passion. Passion comes from the heart, whereas lust comes only from the groin.
So use one to enhance the other, which can make both a lot more fun.
If you think of the heart as the entrance to your soul, and the groin as the anchor of your body, then combining the two in this manner means using your mind effectively.
Mind, Body and Soul.
That's the lesson of Netzach. One of them, anyway.
  • * Where are you, Johnnypop?

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