Well screw that for a game of solders, I'm not taking this lying down. If you thinks this is bullshit also, please contact wikipedia (Good luck figuring out how).
What follows is the original wikipedia entry which has been repeatedly deleted. Apologies for the occasional erroenous html/js and missing graphics. It is all I could get.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aquygen is the commercial trademark name of a gas which is claimed to
be made from ordinary water through a patented electrolysis process.[1][2]Aquygen which is also known as HHO
Gas, or Hybrid Hydrogen Oxygen Gas was created by Hydrogen Technology
Applications, Inc., based in Clearwater, Florida.
Hybrid Hydrogen Oxygen (HHO) may be used to replace oxyacetylene for most
welding and cutting applications. HHO Gas may be able to be used as a primary
fuel source or a fuel additive for gasoline, diesel and aircraft turbine
engines. HHO gas is produced using a generator known as the H2O 1500 which is
also manufactured by Hydrogen Technology Applications, Inc.
According to HTA Inc., there are many unique and unusual properties that HHO
Gas possesses. Below is a list of some of the unique properties claimed by the
researchers of HTA Inc.
- HHO Gas proves to be odorless, colorless and lighter than air.
- HHO has a number of distinct features that distinguish it from water
vapor, Brown gas and other variants. [3][4]
- In the production of HHO Gas, there is no evaporation process at all, the
electric energy used being insufficient for evaporation. This feature alone
establishes that the H2O Model 1500 Aquygen Gas Generator produces a new form
of water that is gaseous and combustible.[5][6]
- HHO Gas exhibits a widely varying energy content in BTUs, ranging from a relatively
cold flame (259�F) in open air to large releases of thermal energy, depending
on its use. This is unique to HHO Gas, as all other known fuels have a fixed
value of energy content in BTU/scf. [7][8]
- The variable character of the energy content of HHO Gas is evidence that
the gas has a unique structure with a chemical composition including bonds
beyond those of valence type.[9][10]
- HHO Gas demonstrates an anomalous adhesion to gases, liquids and solids.
HHO Gas bonds to gaseous fuels (such as natural gas, magnegas fuel, and
others) and liquid fuels (such as diesel, gasoline, liquid petroleum, and
- HHO Gas instantaneously melts tungsten, bricks, and other highly
refractive substances. In particular, measurements have established the
remarkable capability of combusted Aquygen� Gas to instantaneously reach
temperatures over 10,000� F, under which virtually all substances on Earth can
be sublimated. [15][16]
- The measurements reported by Ruggero
Maria Santilli suggest the existence in the HHO gas in stable clusters
composed of H and O atoms, their dimers H�O, and their molecules H2, O2 and
H2O. According to Santilli, these atomic and molecular bonds cannot entirely
be of valence type.[17]
- Santilli describes the creation of the gaseous and combustible HHO from
distilled water at atmospheric temperature and pressure via a process
structurally different than evaporation or separation, which suggests the
existence of a new form of water. [18]
- HHO is described to have the structure (H�H)�O where �ה represents the
new magnecular bond and �-� the conventional molecular bond. The transition
from the conventional H�O�H configuration to the new (H�H)�O species is
explained as being a change of the electric polarization of water caused by
the electrolyzer. [19]
There is much controversy over the nature of HHO Gas. Many within the
scientific community believe that such a gas is a scientific impossibility, or
is highly unlikely. Some claim that such a revolutionary gas is nothing more
than Pseudoscience or Free
Energy Fantasy. There are some who believe that this "new" gas may in fact be
old technology being touted as new technology. [20] However further research into the properties of HHO Gas is
currently being conducted, and the results may either confirm the findings or to
prove that the findings are either inaccurate, or a hoax. The company has asked
for independent research into the properties of HHO Gas, but it is not known if
any such research has been conducted. Dispite the skepticism, the makers of
Aquygen claim that they have engineered new electrolysis technology
which turns distilled water H2O into a new and novel gas which has many unique
characteristics. They claim that HHO gas is an Oxygen and Hydrogen hybrid known
as a "magnecule" [21] in a structure
which has yet to be understood. These claims have not yet been verified through
multiple independent research studies, however Ruggero
Maria Santilli of the Institute
for Basic Research has published the results of their original findings in
the International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy. [22][23]
News Coverage
The news media has done several stories on HHO Gas. The technology has been
featured on CNN, FOX News, and NBC. [24][25][26][27]
According to the media the HHO technology is being shown to members of Congress,
local government officials, and even NASA. An exhibit demonstrating the
technology was displayed at The 2004 Governor�s Conference on the Environment in
Kentucky. Hydrogen Technology Applications Inc. has donated several HHO gas
generators to Kentucky universities and technical training centers during its
introduction program.[28](pg.15)
gaseous and combustible form of water International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy Volume 31, Issue 9 , August 2006, Pages 1113-1128
Journal of Hydrogen Energy- Full Article
Combustion of Magnegases Authors: R. M. Santilli, A. K. Aringazin
States Patent# 6,689,259 Klein; Dennis
States Patent# 6,866,756 Klein; Dennis
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet
FOX 26
News Report
Channel 3
News (1)
Channel 3
News (2)
Applications Inc. - Press Releases
Applications Inc. - Science of Aquygen
water fuel: A successful hoax?Or, what's the catch?